People of Perigord

Peter Madden

Business Analyst
Perigord Dublin, Ireland

1.How long have you been working with Perigord?
Since 2015. 

2.What is your role at Perigord? 
I'm a business analyst.

3.How would you describe your role here in Perigord?
I analyze customer requirements and processes to maximize efficiency, drive change and successfully implement GLAMS into our pharmaceutical clients' artwork packaging processes. 

4.What is your proudest accomplishment?
Having worked as a journalist for nearly 15 years I went to college, learned a bunch of new stuff, got a degree, and started a completely new career. Also, my wife and I built a shed once and nobody died. 

5.COVID 19 has meant significant change to the way we live. What has been the biggest challenge for you during this pandemic? Have you taken up any new hobbies or interests?
My dogs bark in defense of the house any time a mouse three miles away blinks loudly. Keeping them quiet while I'm on calls with clients or colleagues can be… time consuming. In my free time I've taken up competitive kettlebell lifting and amateur crisis management. 

6.What is the one thing you are most looking forward to once this pandemic has ended?
Staying at home; not talking to/interacting with the public/washing my hands like Lady MacBeth preparing for surgery.

7.Is there something which you have seen recently, that made you smile?
One of my dogs dragging another one around the kitchen in his bed while they were fighting over a piece of old rope.

8.Can you tell us a little about where you live? Did you grow up here?
I live in Ennis but I'm from Dublin. I can see cows and a river out of my office window. I'm pretty sure I couldn't afford that sort of view if I still lived where I grew up. 

9.What is your favourite type of food?
Italian, Japanese, Ukrainian… Anything really. I love food. Maybe a little too much…

10.Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?
Coffee. Sleep. Pithy answers.

11.What was the last book you read?
Blood's A Rover, James Ellroy.

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