People of Perigord

Paul Byrne

Technical Support Analyst
Perigord Dublin, Ireland

1. How long have you been working with Perigord?
I have been working at Perigord just over a month and a half

2. What is your role at Perigord?
 My role at Perigord is Technical support analyst for the GLAMS system.

3. How would you describe your role here in Perigord?
My role is very interesting as I am always getting loads of different questions about the system, so I’m constantly learning and trying to find the right answers for the client.

4. Your top 3 favourite Podcasts/Books?
Oh my that’s a hard one I love books
Magician by Raymond E Feist
Cider House Rules by John Irving
Going Postal by Terry Pratchett
5. How do you relax after a hard day of work?
I would usually go collect my kids from creche. Bring them home and have dinner. Once they are in bed by half 7, I would usually play some games with my friends or watch a movie/TV show with my partner

6. Have you any staycations planned over the coming months?
Sadly this year I do not. I’m going to enjoy all the time I can with my family, with weekend trips to Glendalough and nature hikes around the Wicklow mountains.

7. What’s your favorite food? Do you have any favorite dishes that you enjoy cooking?
Oh my favorite food by far is Chill! I love eating it and cooking it, as there’re so many ways to cook chill and different ingredients that can be used.

8. Is there something which you have seen recently, that made you smile?
My daughter is learning how to talk, but still uses the gibberish talk in between words (which I find really cute). She was watching blue’s clues with her brother and he was saying where the clues were and in here own little language was also trying to say the clues! It was really cute and made me smile 😊

9. What’s the best way to start the day?
Best way for me to start the day, is to get up, have my breakfast with my kids and a nice cup of coffee 😊

10. Do you have any interests or hobbies?
I love to play the guitar and write music, as well as read books and play video games with my friends in my spare time.

11. What’s your favourite TV show—the one you’re always watching on repeat?
Oh this would have to be a show I started watching as a kid; ‘Avatar the Last Airbender’. As a kid I loved it because it was a cartoon about people bending the elements. I ended up re-watching it again in my early twenties and understood some of the more complex messages, about how war affects the world, how to be a good person and the struggle of how hard life can be. I recently watched it again with my son and found out that it has won a Peabody Award due to how it dealt with the nature of War and Life, pretty much unheard of for what would be classed as a cartoon.
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