1. How long have you been working with Perigord?
I’ve been working with Perigord since May 2019.
2. What is your role at Perigord, can you tell us about it?
I’m a designer for the Creative and Digital team in Perigord. We are responsible for all the other creative aspects apart from the packaging itself. We work with our clients to develop every type of print graphic or digital material, to assist them with their communications and marketing.
3. What’s a work-related accomplishment that you’re really proud of?
I’m proud of being part of this small team, that over a year, was able to develop so much and bring so many new clients onboard. We’ve been able to deliver some amazing jobs over the last year and I’m excited to see, how much more we will be able to grow, in the next few months/years.
4. Can you tell us a little about where you live? Did you grow up here?
I moved to Dublin 4 years ago. I’m from a region called Rio Grande do Sul, at the very south of Brazil. I grew up in a city called Porto Alegre. I can’t complain about growing up there, but at the moment, Brazil is not the best place to live, so moving to Ireland was one of the best decisions of my life. Apart from the dreadful weather here, Ireland is absolutely amazing and the Irish people are one of the most welcoming people around.
5. Have you any staycations planned over the coming months?
Me and my wife went to a few places already for our staycations. We stayed for a few days, in a cabin in the woods, in a place close to Sligo, called Dromhair. We also visited Counshingaun Lough, close to Waterford. Two amazing trips. We were not so lucky with the weather when we went to the cabin but we were very lucky when visiting the Lough. One of the most beautiful places we’ve been.
6. What’s one item you can’t leave your house or apartment without?
Keys, wallet, phone and now – mask. Just the basics.
7. What would we most likely find you doing on the weekend?
Going for a walk around town or for a walk in Bushy Park. If the weather is not great, playing some video games and watching some Netflix at home.
8. What’s one of your favourite memories from the past year?
Probably moving to a new place in January. We’ve been living in a very small flat in Rathgar for 3 years and we were very tired of it. The housing situation in Dublin is kind of messy right now, so finding a good spot, for a good price, is very difficult. We were very lucky because in January a couple of friends who lived in the same area had a neighbour who moved, so they contacted us and we were the first (and only) people to speak with the landlord.
9. What’s the first concert you ever went to?
I think it was a local music festival in Brazil, called Planeta Atlântida. It’s a palloozza type of thing with a lot of bands, tents, food, etc.
10. What’s the top destination on your must-visit list?
Japan. We had our tickets ready this year. We were going in March but as everyone knows by now, our plans went down the drain. We were supposed to go a week after all countries started closing their borders. So yeah, can’t say I’m loving this Corona situation. But we have plans to go next year (if the COVID-19 situation gets a little bit more controlled) so I’m alright with that.
11. If you could only eat one item for every meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Probably pizza. You can just put anything on top of pizza and it’s still pizza. Very versatile.