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Perigord's Knowledge Centre Podcast Channel

You have now successfully registered for the Perigord Knowledge Centre Podcast. Please scroll through to access episodes covering information on all aspects of Life Science artwork production, management, process and more.

Episode 1: Reducing the Carbon Footprint and Associated Cost of Pharmaceutical Packaging

Learn how to build carbon footprint measurement, management and data-driven capabilities into your packaging design and production process.

Digitising your Artwork Management (AMS) – including Demos of AMS in Action:

Episode 2: Impact Analysis – the Beginning of your Content Automation Journey

Find out how to overcome the challenges of identifying and implementing regulatory artwork changes through digital impact analysis.

Episode 3: Digital Evolution in Impact Analysis for Regulatory Labelling and Artwork Changes

Learn how you can overcome and manage the challenges of constant change in the end-to-end labelling and artwork process.

Episode 4: How the Power of a Connected AMS and Automated Proofreading Solution will Improve the Efficiencies of your Process

Find out why having a seamless connection between an AMS and an automated proofreading tool is a must-have for Life Science businesses.

Product Launch Artwork and Labelling Best Practice and Supply Chain Optimisation – in the US, the EU and its 27 Markets:

Episode 5: Launching an Rx Product in the US – Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail Webinar – Session 1

What to Expect: Navigating the US Submission and New Product Launch Process.

Episode 6: Launching an Rx Product in the US – Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail Webinar – Session 2

Focus on Patient Safety & Quality Outcomes to Avoid Risk of Failure in Your Packaging Graphics.

Episode 7: Launching an Rx Product in the US – Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail Webinar – Session 3

Product Approved! Launch on Schedule and Avoid Unrecoverable Market Share and Revenue Loss.

Episode 8: Launching an Rx Product in the EU – Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail

This episode will help position you for success when launching an Rx product in the European Union and its 27 markets.

Episode 9: Mind the Gap – Bridging the Packaging Divide Between R&D and Commercial Supply

This episode focuses on the journey to product launch where our panel of experts will provide you with a roadmap that will bridge the packaging gap between late stage 2 clinical and commercialisation.

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DISCLAIMER: This website and its contents (including without limitation videos, guides, presentations and information) has been produced by Perigord Life Science Solutions (Perigord Premedia Ltd. and Perigord Data Solutions Ltd.) and is intended as a general, introductory, non-technical guide and illustrations for interested customers in relation to the packaging supply chain and in particular artwork production and management processes. This content of this website is not advice by Perigord Life Science Solutions and cannot be relied upon by any person as representing advice. While every care has been taken in the preparation of the content, Perigord Life Science Solutions can assume no responsibility for and give no guarantees, undertakings or warranties concerning the accuracy, completeness or up to date nature of the information provided and does not accept any liability whatsoever arising from any errors, inaccuracies or omissions.

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